Friday, October 29, 2010

Keeping Characters Honest

Worked on The Band this morning. Had to insert J.J.'s reaction to his earlier advice to his brother. Remembering every thing about a character that can affect how he reacts to a situation is often tricky. I was talking with my writer friend Cindie about this problem. She is doing a chapter by chapter synopsis to help her to remember key issues to the plot as time passes for her characters. Sounds like a good idea. I'll have to think on it.

Made the final arrangements for the WNEA Shopping Extravaganza slated for Nov. 12th. Cindie and I will share a table for the sales of our books. I'll have copies of After the War, Before the Peace and Hannah, but I'll have to have bookmarks ready for Abby-Finding More Than Gold. I've created a flyer with a picture of the book cover, a synopsis of the story and how to buy it. Feedback on it has been positive. This ebook marketing is sure a learning experience.

Went to see the movie Life As We Know It today with Pattie S. It was a fun movie. A very predictable plot, but the dialog was excellent and of course the delivery by the main characters sold the movie.

Tonight was our monthly reading at Denny's only three writers showed up - Cindie, Karen and me. The stories were good and the conversation was lively. Karen has a new computer program that polices her writing. It actually tells her if she's using too many passive words or negative sentences. Sounds like a good investment.

So, thinking about marketing again, I'm reminded of a quote by John Wanamaker as quoted in David Ogilvy, Confessions of an Advertising Man - "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the trouble is, I don't know which half."

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